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BNB Tobacco Reviews
Reviews and experiences from TopCashback members who have shopped with BNB Tobacco.
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BNB Tobacco Reviews
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Ordered two 24packs of the elitensmoke. Out of 48 maybe three worked but after three puffs they worked no longer. They wound up in the trash I e-mailed them twice and they never responded to either one. This is one of the worst companies I have dealt with and I will not do business with them again. They apparently do not care about customers. I lost over $127 for nothing (DUDS) BUYERS BEWARE OR AT LEAST DO NOT ORDER THIS BRAND OF E-CIGS. THEY WON'T WORK AND THIS COMPANY WILL SEND YOU ALL DUDS AND NEVER MAKE GOOD ON THEIR PRODUCTS OR RESPOND TO E-MAILS. THEIR PRODUCTS ARE THE WORST. TRY THE RELIABLE COMPANIES. I DID AND HAVE HAD NO PROBLEM WITH THE PRODUCTS WORKING (and for a long time) THIS COMPANY IS IGNORANT AND YOU GET ABSOLUTELY NO SATISFACTION FROM THEM. THEY TAKE YOUR MONEY AND YOU WILL NEVER GET ANY RESPONSE IF THERE IS A PROBLEM. AS I SAID, I WILL NEVER PURCHASE FROM THEM AGAIN. THANKS FOR LETTING ME RANT. I am on a fixed income and cannot afford to throw away money like this
| Sep 07, 2018
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