Spring Spending Survey 2023

Spring Spending Survey 2023

Posted on Feb 20 2023 Posted in  Giveaways & Contests
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Spring Spending Survey 2023

Spring will be in bloom next month! Can you believe it?!

Tell us, are you spring cleaning this year? Do you donate/sell/toss items? What’s the best thing you’ve found when spring cleaning?

These are the things TopCashback wants to know. And who better to answer all these questions than you?

We love to hear from our members about their shopping habits for spring. Take a brief survey and enter for a chance to win $50! One lucky winner will be selected at random on March 6.

Please be sure to submit your email address at the end of the survey to be selected at random. Participants are required to answer every question to be eligible for the giveaway.

If you win, you will be notified via email from our winners@topcashback.com email account. The survey closes on March 6, 2023 at 6:00 AM PT.

Responses are voluntary and will remain confidential. All answers will be compiled together and analyzed as a group. See the full giveaway terms and conditions for more information.

This survey has closed. Click here to view the results!


maryb311949March 6 2023, 06:59 Spring cleaning for me is going thru all closets and donating anything in there that doesnt fit anyone anymore or things not needed or played with by anyone. Shampooing all carpets and furniture, replacing winter bedding and opening the windows to let in the fresh clean air.
financeMarch 4 2023, 17:26 Spring cleaning every year, donate what I can.
AlluhaydanMarch 3 2023, 03:58 I'm planning to clean up this spring.
The best thing to do when you clean up for spring is...

We will donate to Hospice, give to others in the neighborhood, or trash. I am looking to unload.
Madhu MohanMarch 1 2023, 11:55 Change batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
Check all electronics, make sure they are plugged in, cords are untangled and everything is plugged into a surge protector. Check expiration date on fire extinguisher.
Sweep front porch and back deck.
Store all winter items, clothes, and decorations.
Disinfect all computer keyboards and mouse - Use compressed air to remove crumbs, dust and other particulates. Use a dampened microfiber cloth and wipe the keys down. Use dry microfiber to remove any leftover moisture. Disinfectant wipes are okay to use as well.
Bathroom: Clean and disinfect tub and shower.
Wash bathmats. Dust and replace decorative items.
Wash and/Or replace shower liners and shower curtains.
Other Discard old and expired makeup. Clean your makeup holders. Update all your house first aid kits. Toss expired medication while sorting other medication.
Dry clean any necessary winter clothing or items. Store all winter items for next year.
Donate any unused clothes items to Goodwill, The Salvation Army, or other local community organizations.
LadydolsonFebruary 28 2023, 06:41 I am definitely spring cleaning this year. I do every year but this year I will be purging more things. My son wants to have a garage sale so sell his toys he doesn’T play with anymore so we will be doing that as well. What we don’T sell we end up donating.
Last year while spring cleaning I found a few things I bought for Christmas gifts! I didn’T even remember I had bought them until they were found. So sad to say but I often find things i’Ve bought in the past then put away and forgot about. I wonder what I will find this year!
drblessedFebruary 28 2023, 02:43 I spring clean every year. It's out with the old and in with the new. If I haven't worn it or used it in 6 months it's out. I give most of it away and have a yard sale maybe once or twice a year.
정소라February 28 2023, 01:50 I'm planning to clean up this spring.
The best thing to do when you clean up for spring is...
Wouldn't it be that the old dust disappears and the air in the house is refreshing?
Donations are made every month.
I hope that all of you will be happy with a small amount of effort.
JimGFebruary 27 2023, 19:54 I need to spring clean.
I wouldn't mind opening some windows and getting fresh clean air in the house too, but it's been too cold to do that just yet.
conheomupFebruary 27 2023, 19:47 My family usually donates clothes, and household items that we don't use to GoodWill. And on cleaning, we always find a lot of them laying around the house, so it would be better for someone in need than us.
Member1699050459February 27 2023, 18:59 I always do spring cleaning and sell the items I no longer am using. The best thing I have ever found was a $20 bill. Lol
sashko_yFebruary 27 2023, 17:03 So far so good.
rockyriFebruary 27 2023, 16:46 I wait for early April and donate old clothes and try to empty about 20% Of my basement.
Member433434538905February 27 2023, 16:36 We will donate to Hospice, give to others in the neighborhood, or trash. I am looking to unload.
earthrunnerFebruary 27 2023, 15:44 Earthrunner
Yes we do our spring clean out and take it to Goodwill for those who are in need.
OnyxsFebruary 27 2023, 15:06 Every Spring, I take the drapes and curtains down from all of the windows and wash them. I pull the refrigerator out and clean the floor underneath it. I pull the warming drawer out from the bottom of the stove and clean the floor underneath it. We donate and sell items we don't need any more year-round. The windows and screen doors will be open much more often for air flow.
FcbeechingFebruary 27 2023, 15:03 I want to give things to those who need them.
hwadaFebruary 27 2023, 15:02 Yes I do spring cleaning. I offer items on my local buy nothing Facebook group and then the rest goes to Savers.
mayrag0623February 27 2023, 14:38 Our Spring cleaning is usually in the month of March.
We find, keep, donate, clean and enjoy doing so.

It’S definitely a fun time of the year doing so with the kids.

We end up decorating for Easter after our clean up, good times 😃

Thank you @Topcashback for the fun surveys throughout the year


Member425814713257February 27 2023, 14:11 This spring I tried to donate my clothes and shoes. It's best way for cleaning.
JoniDFebruary 27 2023, 14:08 Yes, we will be doing spring cleaning. We usually donate, or repurpose items. The best find for me has been an extended handle feather duster for the ceiling fan in our great room.
IgorbunFebruary 27 2023, 14:08 I like to recycle, donate and give to others when I do my spring cleaning. I also love to prep my flower beds for Spring blooms and do a lot of gardening to help bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
Member313272128455February 27 2023, 14:04 My Spring cleaning begins with my garage. It’S too cold to clean it up in the winter, so Spring is the perfect time , before it gets too hot in Summer. I reorganize, get ready for taking care of the plants and lawn. And end up cleaning the floor, wich is dirty from l the dirty snow.
Joy_6678February 27 2023, 14:03 We will be doing spring cleaning and donating away stuff to down size and live with minimal materials.
frabcoFebruary 27 2023, 07:58 I am not a leftie
HavirovFebruary 26 2023, 19:17 We donate and sell at garage sale
lild428February 25 2023, 18:52 We donate and recycle as much as we can.
yusof333February 25 2023, 15:18 We will be doing spring cleaning and donating away stuff to down size and live with minimal materials.
LiliyamailFebruary 25 2023, 10:48 This spring I will not have a general cleaning, since I am not at home in my lovely Ukraine! And yes, I am donating to the needs of our army - on drones, thermal imagers, Bayraktars... And all for one purpose - in order to expel the russian orcs from our beautiful land!
bltyFebruary 25 2023, 10:37 We would re-organize our closet every year and cabinet what we have to donate or recycle and food storage / Empty in every month as well.
Clothes send to donation center, recycle bin in community
Shoes will send to some our friends if fit for them or donation center
Electronic Compliance will send to landfill or donation center or some our friend or necessary they need or marketplace in lower costs for someone affordable.

LiliyamailFebruary 24 2023, 13:02 This spring I will not have a general cleaning, since I am not at home in my lovely Ukraine! And yes, I am donating to the needs of our army - on drones, thermal imagers, Bayraktars... And all for one purpose - in order to expel the russian orcs from our beautiful land!
calmwhiteFebruary 24 2023, 11:52 Yes I am spring cleaning this year! I have donated to Goodwill and posted items to sell! The best thing I found during spring cleaning was the old dog beds and cushions we owned since my dog Ava was a puppy 5 years ago. Looking back at the fond memories I cant help but smile and be grateful she has grown to such a delightful companion for us!
AliyalinurFebruary 23 2023, 06:57 Весна - прекрасное время, которое очень ждем, праздники, обновления, пикники! И конечно время генеральной уборки, разбор гардероба, каждый год мы отдаем вещи нуждающимся, детскую одежду круглый год раздаем близким и знакомым, отвозим в кризисные центры
Rustam KuliievFebruary 23 2023, 04:57 In spring we have good holiday - Novruz. In our tradition we go to our friend and relatives and donate some sweets and presents.
oxy218February 22 2023, 16:53 I used to do spring cleaning only when it will be a little bit warmer . I love to wash all the windows in the house- thats what I like. I donated bunch of cloths and asked others to join me to help Ukraininan people in need
Onigordon13February 22 2023, 16:28 Donate to salvation army or thrift stores, found a lot of memorable items
dionneFebruary 22 2023, 08:55 Spring cleaning the first warm sunny day I can have the windows open. Donate items or recycle rather than toss
tlqlr1February 22 2023, 08:47 I am planning spring cleaning early this year and donate things to others who really need and can use them.
Member525936352746February 21 2023, 17:57 I want to give things to those who need them.
geezeus23February 21 2023, 16:32 I am spring cleaning this year. I mostly likely to toss items.
Most of the things that I would find are old and have no value.
I would find out how much money that wasted on these purchases.
Member734417236055February 21 2023, 14:01 Cut down on impulse shopping and think about whether you really need an item before you buy it, we are always buying things we don't need!!! If you do this, you will save yourself a lot of hassle in any season of cleaning.
Nunezcarmina57February 20 2023, 17:09 Tener un budget para todo lo que necesiten mis hijos para sus clases y ademáS algo para salir de vacaciones
Member927616698035February 20 2023, 15:34 This is the best time to clean up my closet and donate clothes that I do not wear anymore.
Member18271136503February 20 2023, 13:44 I hope this spring the Ukrainian army will clear its land of Russian soldiers. This will be a great victory and a great cleansing!
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