Expedia Offers, Cash Back, Discounts & Coupons

Expedia Cash Back Offers & Discounts

Get up to 6% of the price back with our Expedia Cash Back offers

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Expedia Cash back

Bundle and Save Packages
Package Bookings
Rental Car

Save money on your next getaway when you book with Expedia.com. The Expedia website gives you easy access to hotel deals, discount codes, flight discounts and more. Whether you're traveling solo or with family, you can find tons of vacation packages that fit your budget and style. Be sure to check the latest offers under the Deals section at Expedia.com, where you can browse Expedia's best bargains on hotels, flights and more.

Of course, you can save on hotel stays, flights and car rentals that you book with Expedia when you sign up for a free TopCashback account. As a member of TopCashback, you can take advantage of all our amazing cash back offers, meaning you can keep some extra dough in your pocket. Not to mention that you can always check this page for any current Expedia coupon codes or promos, so that you can stack that with your cash back earnings.

Scoop up even more discounts by joining Expedia's One Key rewards program. As a One Key member, you'll save 10% or more on hotels and up to 30% when you add a hotel stay to your flight. Other cool member perks include accruing OneKeyCash with eligible Expedia bookings. Depending on how many travel purchases you make, you can move up to different tier levels in the rewards program and enjoy as much as 20% savings on hotels, as well as room upgrades and VIP Access benefits like food and beverage add-ons.

For other great deals, check Expedia.com for any current Expedia promo codes that you can use toward your next trip. And don't forget to become a member of TopCashback so that you can enjoy our cash back offers and get notified about the latest Expedia coupon deals.

More from this retail group: Expedia Canada

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Expedia - The Best Travel Deals

Expedia Logo

Looking forward to your next vacation? Make your reservations at Expedia.com and save on hotels, flights and more. The online travel agency frequently has discounted rates for hotel chains like Crowne Plaza and Hilton. Plus, you can nab an even better deal on hotel bookings when you join Expedia's One Key rewards program, where you can enjoy member prices on travel, including at least 10% savings on hotels.

Besides flights and hotels, you can use Expedia to book rental cars and vacation packages for popular destinations like Las Vegas and Cancun. If you need help with planning your itinerary, you can also schedule activities like National Park Tours and river tubing with Expedia. Make sure to check out the Deals section at Expedia.com for the latest Expedia offers on select hotel bookings and eligible flights.

When planning your trip, don't forget to book with Expedia through our free cash back portal so that you can earn a percentage back on your purchase. You can also check this page for our current Expedia coupon code offers and deals. Want access to our cash back offers wherever you go? Download our mobile app so that you can make travel arrangements right from your smartphone.

Expedia Homepage

Expedia Homepage

Hotel & Vacation Rentals

Whether you’re looking to take a romantic getaway to Hawaii or a summer trip with the family, Expedia has you covered. The travel site has something for every budget, regardless ifyour idea of the perfect holiday is staying at a luxury resort or a vacation home rental. Prefer the great outdoors? If your plans involve exploring the trails, you'll find everything from RV parks, camping cabins and tent sites, as well as yurts.

For those who want to go all out, the Expedia website has a collection of VIP Access properties that have been highly rated by guests for exceptional service. One Key members enjoy VIP Access perks like extra food and drink, as well as free breakfast. Save on your next hotel booking by searching Expedia promo code offers under the Deals section. And be sure to sign up for a free TopCashback account so you can combine your savings with our cash back offers—then use those cash back earnings toward your next vacay.

Flights & Car Rentals

Even if you're not a regular jet-setter, Expedia makes it easy to reserve airline tickets to both domestic and international destinations. Find flights with popular airlines like Delta and United Airlines to New York City and Los Angeles. Or, if you dream of traveling abroad, you can find affordable plane tickets to places like Paris, France, where you'll be strolling along the banks of the River Seine in no time. Plus, if you're a One Key member, you can get up to 30% off when you combine a hotel stay with your flight.

Need to get around by car? Make it easy on yourself by booking your car rental with Expedia. From SUVs to passenger van rentals, you can arrange to have your car rental ready to go when you arrive at the airport. You can also save by checking Expedia's car rental deals from companies like Hertz, Enterprise and more. Be sure to book in advance so you're ready to hit the road.

Vacation Packages

Another way to save big is by booking a vacation package, which often includes a flight and hotel—plus, you can add a rental car if needed. Families can bundle and save on flights and hotel stays to family-friendly destinations like Orlando or Yellowstone National Park. Or, book a getaway with friends to an all-inclusive resort in Mexico and pay less than $800 for your accommodation and roundtrip airfare.

Activities & Attractions

Whether you're heading to Walt Disney World Resort or skiing in Vermont, keep things organized by booking tickets to amusement parks, museums, aquariums and more with Expedia—and earn cash back on your order.

You can search for specific types of activities by selecting one of the categories on Expedia's 'Things to do' page, which includes tours and day trips, history and culture, theme parks and more. And if you're in need of a little inspiration, the travel site also lists the most popular activities for each locale.

In addition to checking the Expedia deals on the retailer's site, be on the lookout for any Expedia coupons on this page as well.

All information, deals and offers mentioned within this content are correct at the time of writing.

Cash back terms and exclusions

What could stop me from getting cash back?
  • Transactions where the region has been changed will not be eligible for cash back.
  • Cruises are not eligible for cash back
  • Returning, exchanging, cancelling, or adjusting any part of an order or purchase may result in Cash Back being declined.
  • Combining promotions from another site and/or using a coupon code not posted and approved by TopCashback
  • Purchases made on other sites than Expedia's US site
What else is essential?
  • Transactions will initially track at $0.00 to signify that a booking has been made.
  • Cash Back will only be added to your account once your stay at the hotel has been completed, or your purchase, rental, cruise or flight has been consumed.
  • Your first transaction of $0.00 may move to Payable at zero before your stay has been completed, however your cash back should still be added to your account at a later date once your stay is completed.
  • Please note that some merchants may not be forthcoming with untracked Cash Back. We endeavor to chase untracked Cash Back but reserve the right to halt inquiries at any time. Please do not make purchase decisions based on expected Cash Back as it is not guaranteed. See our Terms and Conditions for more information.
  • You cannot earn cash back in excess of the transaction value from your order.
  • Cash Back rates are subject to change, both up and down.
  • Cash Back amounts are generally based on your final purchase amount and does not include taxes, shipping and the actual discount amount saved through coupons.
  • You must start with an empty basket before clicking through to the retailer.
  • Purchases must be completed immediately and fully online.
What to do when
  • Cash Back can be earned simply by clicking 'Get Cash Back & visit retailer' button through to the merchant and shopping online as normal.
  • A "Missing Cash Back" query must be submitted within 100 days of the transaction.

See also our general terms & conditions.

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