Score money back on concerts, sporting events, Broadway plays and more when you shop at Ticketmaster. We've partnered with the ticket sales giant so that you can save on in-demand musical acts and athletic matches. Don't forget to check this page for any available Ticketmaster discount codes and coupons so you can stack those deals with our Cash Back offers.
Once you're a member of TopCashback, you can start racking up your Cash Back savings with every eligible purchase. For an even smoother shopping experience, we recommend downloading our free Browser Extension to your desktop so that you'll never miss out on Cash Back when shopping online at our participating retailers. Or install our mobile app to your smartphone and access our Cash Back offers with just a few taps.
Ticketmaster Homepage
Ticket Deals
As for other saving tips, it's always a good idea to check out the Ticket Deals section at for additional discounts. Some of the Ticketmaster deals can save you up to 50% on select tickets, including two tickets for the price of one for select offers.
In October 2024, some deals included discounts on four-pack tickets, tickets for under $40 and up to 50% savings with the featured Ticketmaster coupon code when applied at checkout. Of course, you can always take a peek at this page too for the latest Ticketmaster coupons and deals.
Be the first to know about upcoming live events like concerts and sports by signing up for Ticketmaster's email newsletter. Plus, you'll get the latest promo codes and discount offers delivered straight to your inbox. Just set your preferences to your favorite sports teams and musical artists so that you'll be notified when tickets go on sale for events in your area.
For added convenience, a Ticketmaster account allows you to keep track of upcoming shows and events that you've already purchased tickets for, in addition to past events that you've attended.
Audience Rewards
Love the performing arts? Join the Audience Rewards loyalty program for free and earn points on qualifying purchases for Broadway shows, off-Broadway, the Met Opera and more. You can then redeem your ShowPoints for future theater tickets, merchandise and exclusive member experiences.
All information, deals and offers mentioned within this content are correct at the time of writing.